Paralysis treatment with the help of Ayurveda and Herbs


What is paralysis?

Paralysis is a loss of strength and control over a muscle or group of muscles of the body. Paralysis can affect the entire body or specific body parts. Nerve cells that run to your brain, these nerve cells deliver the signals to your muscles to move properly.

Paralysis mainly is of two types- complete and partial paralyzes. When the whole body is affected by paralysis it is known as complete paralysis and when it affects specific body parts then it is known as partial paralysis. Facial paralysis is also one of the most common disabilities and mainly affects one side of the face.


Ayurveda has proved to be one of the most effective treatments for the best possible recovery in paralysis or stroke conditions. In paralysis Ayurveda treatment maximizes the recovery chances of paralysis conditions. After lots of medical care centers and hospitals, it is always highly recommendable to take paralysis treatment in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda Therapy for Paralysis-

The therapies which you can use for paralysis treatment in Ayurveda are very essential. It can be helpful for any type of paralysis.

Abhyangam- Abhyangam therapy is used mainly in paralysis. Abhyangam therapy increases blood circulation to remove metabolic wastes from the body. It includes full body massage with medicated herbal oils. It raises the level of physiological or nervous activity, which leads to a reduction in stress, anxiety, and paralysis.

In this therapy, the therapist applies herbal oils over the whole body. This therapy boosts Immunity and leads to preventing Insomnia, Paralysis, Arthritis.

Nasyam- Nasyam is a part of Panchakarma therapy and it includes the administration of medicated oils or drugs through nostrils. This treatment raises the essential center of the brain to overcome problems such as paralysis and stress. The therapy starts with a facial massage or steam to the face, forehead, ears, and neck.

A therapist applies herbal oils and powders through the nasal route, which then spread through the blood circulation and nervous system into the areas present around the nostrils. It unblocks the energy levels and gets rid of paralysis. This therapy is mainly used for facial paralysis.

Padabhyangam- This Ayurveda massage involves the stimulation of vital pressure points. This massage is mainly used in partial paralysis. With the help of herbal oils, this leads to an improvement in blood circulation in the lower leg. It also prevents muscle cramps and swelling.

If your body is suffering from partial paralysis, then this is the perfect massage for you. As it helps you to recover fastly and this massage gives you strength also.

Pizhichil-Pizhichil treatment includes the squeezing of warm medicated oils to help muscles recover. Paralysis builds up in the system due to various factors, which can be effectively reduced by this Ayurveda treatment. Pizhichil rejuvenates the body and boosts the functioning of the muscles and nervous system. This therapy is used for a complete body and helps to recover muscles.

Ayurveda Herbs for Paralysis-

These are important herbs for paralysis. These herbs are used as the best Ayurveda treatment for paralysis.

1.Ashwagandha Herb-

Ashwagandha is a small plant native to India. Ashwagandha roots and berries are used to produce a popular Ayurveda remedy. It is used to reduce the problem of paralysis due to the presence of active compounds. These properties also help in reducing stress caused by emotional and physical fatigue.

It also balances out the strength and control over the muscles constant. It helps to restore normal physiological functioning. It is also used to lower your blood sugar level and improve sleep disorder. Ashwagandha can be consumed in powdered form or as a liquid.

2.Brahmi Herb-

Brahmi is a small and everlasting herb that has an age-old reputation of various diseases. Brahmi acts as a nontoxic, which simply means that it helps the body adapt to new or powerful situations. Brahmi appears to have strong anti-inflammatory properties that are very effective. It may help improve your body's ability to deal with paralysis.

When consumed, it is used to increase the serotonin levels in the brain that help the mind keeps calm and gives relief from paralysis and nervousness. Brahmi herbs help to get rid of hyperactivity disorder, impulsivity and restlessness also.

3.Turmeric Herb-

Turmeric the herb is another popular Ayurveda remedy; it is an ancient Indian medicine that is used in several things. Curcumin's main compound has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Results show that it may be equally or even more effective than some anti-inflammatory medicines, without all of their side effects.

Turmeric is a great need for new treatments that can protect brain cells after a stroke and improve recovery. Turmeric could be beneficial to patients by encouraging new cells to grow. Compounds in turmeric help to preserve brain function by increasing brain cells.

Home Remedies for Paralysis-

These home remedies are easily available in our kitchen. These remedies are helpful to give you the best Ayurveda treatment for paralysis.

  • Asparagus leaves apply to the area of pain caused by paralysis.
  • Few drumsticks leave the mix well in castor oil and apply on pain area, for relief from inflammation.
  • 20-40ml radish oil twice a day daily can help in curing the condition.
  • Mix equal portions of black pepper powder and dry ginger powder with honey and consume it twice or thrice a day for a distorted face by paralysis.
  • Grind the akarkara root into a fine paste and mix it with mahua oil. Massage the affected area on a daily basis.
  • A whole-body massage with oil can help in regaining muscle strength faster. This helps in reducing muscle tension also.
  • Take sugarcane root and grind it gently. Boil it in water and reduce it to half the quantity. Mix it with piple bamsalochan, black pepper, cardamom, mulethi and mishri. Simmer it and bring it to a syrup consistency for paralysis.
  • Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple juice and stem that helps in reducing pain for paralysis.
  • Take flaxseed oil 1 teaspoon on a daily basis also helps in paralysis.
  • can help in regaining muscle strength faster. This helps in reducing muscle tension also.
  • Take sugarcane root and grind it gently. Boil it in water and reduce it to half the quantity. Mix it with piple bamsalochan, black pepper, cardamom, mulethi and mishri. Simmer it and bring it to a syrup consistency for paralysis.
  • Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple juice and stem that helps in reducing pain for paralysis.
  • Take flaxseed oil 1 teaspoon on a daily basis also helps in paralysis.
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